Sunday, 23 February 2014

Adding a String to the Bow...whatever that means!

Having been inspired by Matt White who is currently blogging about a new 'phase' in his life - that of becoming a dad, I thought I would put some thoughts down about a new phase in my life and one that is now meshing with my work.

This year I, along with a number of my friends and all the people in the world born in 1964, turn 50.


I'm not sure how I feel about this other than I am aware of wrinkling my nose up when I tell people, so subconsciously, I guess I am not overly happy about it. ( I am wrinkling up my nose now!)

How does this fit with my work?

 Well for the last two years I have been working in the area of Family and in my denomination - The Salvation Army - the role of Divisional Family Officer, which is what I am, has covered pretty much all of life from cradle to grave but with a specific and traditional weighting towards Older People's Ministry.

However, up until now, I have been in the position of being able to focus on other areas of family - Troubled families, Corps Family,  Community Family and Intergenerational Family, while a colleague has, amongst other things, been working on an piece around Older People with a view coming up with a new strategy for this group.

I am now inheriting this piece of work and my colleague's incredible research has enabled me to feel confident in the way I might progress the next phase of the work - I am pretty comfortable in strategy, but have been thinking that I am going to have to learn to love the ministry aspect.

Anyway, while I know that there is a real spectrum when it comes to aging and that there is much to do in challenging the perception of age, the simple fact is that we all do want a long and happy life.

The reality is that our bodies and possibly our minds and even our children might not be able to keep up with our ideas of what we hope that will look like.

So, I hope to share here my reflections and findings and maybe even some wisdom as we go along.

Something to consider:

Would you rather ' Grow Old Gracefully' or do you ' Dare to Age Well'?


  1. welcome back! says she that has only started back recently herself!! after some nagging from a friend.

    50 is good and brings many challenges with it! like bending down and picking things up from the floor :)

    50 also gives us the excuse to reminiscence, reflect and evaluate our journey thus far - as well taking up on fresh challenges to keep the brain cells ticking over.

    Take care, Judy
    ps: you will have to change your link for me to

  2. it should actually read

    it's an age thing!!!
