Friday, 13 March 2009

It only takes a minute.......

Getting ready for school this morning was quite stessful as it's Red Nose Day and there is a list of 'unfair' rules and regs for dressing down that must be adhered to :

  • No Red Noses incase you can't breathe
  • No dyed hair
  • No trainers unless thay have red on them
  • etc

So we had a constant rant of complaints which getting dressed and then the phone rang (8:25am)

Joe - I have left my phone on a bus, the 252 and the reg number is.....can you ring and find out where it is please - see ya!

Internet assists me in finding the phone number and E and T are edgey now as they have a fear of being late for school, so cries of 'Please can you ring as we are walking along' echo through my head!

We are walking along, I ring the number and then E panics and says she has left something at home which she needs, so while explaining to the woman on the phone what the issue is, I give E the house keys so that she can go back and get her 'thing'.

The woman on the phone explains that I need another number - do I have a pen and paper? I am walking along the road so no, but I have good memory, so she gives the number and I file it in my brain, where upon T then tells me that E needs a key to get in the house! Um she has the key.

I run back to find that she has got the key stuck in the door and is quite literally trying to knock the door down to get in. I calm her down and open the door, but she then tells me she has her thing - FINE.

We walk along again and I ring the other number, which amazingly I have remembered and a kind guy tells me that they will 'get on the handsets' and see what they can do and will ring me back on my phone which is now running low on battery!

On the way to school we see lots of kids with Red Hair, Trainers and Red Noses which is very annoying to three already highly strung people.

I now have to go to the office to get change for a £5 so the kids can have their donation for the day and go to the Mothers Day Sale which I know nothing about. Also, there will be a cake sale and other fun things which put a strain on the the £2.50 they both now have.

I try to ring Keith to tell him my woes and what to do about Js phone, but my phone now has no image on the screen - trying to save the battery I guess. He then rings me back, but as Ihave no image on the screen I don;t know where to press, so I try him again....and he rings me back and I stab at the screen - lucky guess and we talk.

I have just got into my house and slid down the wall in the hallway in a surrendering kind of way and then decided that the only way to empty my head of this stuff before going to do my job ( yes, ladies and gentlemen, this is just my life - I don't even get paid for this stuff) is to blog it.

Here's to a good day!


  1. That was a great post Liz!

    I don't know how you do it all!

  2. You are a great MUM - I know it's not always appreciated by your customers but take it from me, your great.

    See you later.


  3. But did Joe's phone turn up!!!

    Hope your day has calmed down a bit!

  4. He found it in his bag and text Liz this afternoon - which i am relieved about and so is his bank account!!

  5. So all's well that ends well - thanks for your comments and support....and the curtains are on their way to the shop and will be there early next week - does it GET any better than this? I bloomin' hope so :)

  6. hahaha loved the post and just to cheer you up :) Karl, at nearly 22, still leaves things on the bus/train - can never find his door key and the latest left his debit card at his friends house in Birmingham, who is the same age so is NEVER going to get round to posting it back to him..but life carries on. Judyx

  7. I love the fact that the fone turned up! clearly something i would do.... actually I have reported my fone as missing on two occasions (once at college & other in Gurnsey but yea still made me giggle reading your blog!)
