Saturday, 24 January 2009

Confession : Good for the Soul?

Dear Reader

I don't know about you.....which is in fact true. I DON'T know about you at all.
It's another one of those 'Things People Say'
'I don't know about you, but.........'
A device for inviting someone else into your thought process, opening up a way in for them to tell you something about themselves by the response they give to your profound thought.

I have been unexpectedly and quited blessedly tuned in to what people have been saying towards the end of this week,so many inner thoughts expressed in a turn of phrase, and I realise that I have somehow missed listening to what people have been saying. I have become task oriented...a do-er, instead of a be-er.

There are reasons for that, some are rational ones, others are just ( squeezing out the word through gritted teeth) irrational, bordering today, on a kind of psychosis. H- EAVY!

Anyway,on the bright side,an intervention by God; an immediate and undeserved answer to prayer, going to a Fancy Dress/ Joke shop with my children and one of their friends, and a chat on the phone, have helped me see that I do know about ME, and sometimes I project that onto you, dear reader, whoever you are,which is both irresponsible and ( through gritted teeth again)...controlling.

So, if you have experienced the machine that is LIZ HALL lately, I DO apologise and want to reassure you that she is 'in there' somewhere!

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