Friday, 12 September 2008

- isation or -ization?

The spelling is not the point actually. The point is that EVERYONE and EVERYTHING is getting '-isated'...or should that be '-ised?!

Words you can add - isation to :

Container - apparently soon the whole world will be containerised, which is what prompted this ranty response.
Forest...ok that's actually Forestation, but you mark my words, soon we'll be Forestised, once a global prgoramme of tree planting swings into action.

There's possibly more and that can be your Friday challenge, but the one that I can't quite get my head round is..... COLON!

I'm off to Clacton now for some Clactonisation - you all have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. it's amazing what little words can irrate us... well I'm going to irrate you more..

    I have been tagged in which I must write 8 random facts about myself. I tagged your blog so come over and read my 8 random facts and then you get to write 8 random facts about yourself.

    thought you might find it fun!!! take care, Judyx
