Tuesday, 5 August 2008

Well, waddya know!

I have been visiting Summer Holiday Clubs over the last couple of weeks and have to say that I have witnessed some great and good practise, fab teaching, groovy dancing, LOUD shouting and stacks of fun. I have been really encouraged that folks are actually taking time out of their own holidays to ensure that kids get to find out about Jesus, that Church is a cool place and that people really care about what they ( the kids) think - YEAY!

Today was a bit of a milestone for one Corps who launched their Children's Ministry on the back of their Holiday Club last year, and this year, 25 kids arrived on the first day to learn about the Super Star children in the bible - DOUBLE YEAY!

I also spent some time with a friend who has been on a journey in every sence of the word, has made a pretty cool decision to continue on that journey and who I was able to chat with as an equal, if not the subordinate sometimes, in many ways - the YEAY GOES ON!

Finally, I popped into Tesco on the way home and bought, amongst other things, a bag of caramel coated sesame seed covered peanuts....JUST TO LOOK AT....and was checking out the pack for clues as to the the calorie content. There was no mention, so I am assuming they are calorie free(!) however, and I'm sure many of you have experienced this, but it's my first time, I was warned in NO uncertain terms that the product MIGHT contain traces of nut.

I really needed to know that more than the calorie content.


  1. Sounds like a pretty good day!
    Well done for your whistle-stop holiday club tour 2008.

    Nic did a holiday club last week and commented how it would have been nice to have seen someone from DHQ - just to know they were supporting. I felt very smug knowing that 'my' DCO (!) was doing exactly that and not only that, but who felt guilty that she couldn't get to the ones people hadn't told her about!

    Well Done you.

  2. Well done you - good to know that you are out there supporting folk.

  3. You should run courses on 'how to be a DCO' - you're the best!

    I'm not biased in any way.

    BTW - the Hall family contains nuts too! YEAH!

  4. I was actually jumping higher than the house, but Liz could only photograph me near the ground!

  5. Was it taken specifically as a new blog pic?

  6. NO it wasn't - they were having so much fun , I just snapped away. It IS a cool pic. He should realy blog some more, then he can field his OWN comments!

  7. Thank you for commenting on my blog - all comments via the blog/email have been interesting and helpful. Judyx
