What now feels like 100 years, but was infact only 2 years ago, I was at a conference and was able to indulge in some real long quality time with God and among some of the revelations that came to me that day was the title of this blog - not that I knew at the time I was going to blog about it though! I wrote it in the back of my bible along with another gem which was Challenge Mediocrity, a very noble phrase which was actually confirmed to me the very next day. I guess only other people can know if I do challenge mediocrity as it's not something I particularly set out to do.
However, I took Look To The Little Things to be a command about my ministry in working with and for children - little things ahh!
It turns out that what it really means is that the details are important. For me as a bigger picture person, that's a hard lesson. The minutes that make up the hours, with words that make up the email, letter or blog, the words that I actually SAY, although never as eloquently as I could write them - which, funnily enough, as a slight digression, is what we found out about Joe this week at parents evening. He can write like a dream, but needs to be more confident in delivery.
Anyway, this week I haven't felt too well, and as well as working to a deadline at work for an Event, doing the normal day to day work,re- learning how to set up the DHQ PA sytem ( and only for the cost of a packet of Munchies - Matt Leeder is SO cheap) there has been loads going on at Church and at home and school for the children too, making me feel as if I have been dragging an elephant around with me.
This morning really was the last straw, as my normal plans to get the children to school and me to work were thwarted yet again although, somehow, I managed to get to work earlier than I usually do, only to find a refuse truck blocking the entrance to the Car Park and really feeling like turning around and going home and it was only 9:20a.m
So I went into the office, after finally being able to park the car, ranting (politely) about feeling as if I was in some kind of reality TV show and the challenges were to 'See How Resourceful Liz Can Be'. My colleagues listened and were really supportive and then we had to get our heads round a meeting which was going to happen in about half an hours time, so life went on.
Later in the afternoon, I was in the shed - pulling together various resources for the Kid's Event and rummaging around for sports equipment and thought, 'I wonder where I am going to get some plastic indoor hockey sticks?' This was one of those little things that had been in the back of my mind for a couple of weeks if I'm honest, but somehow, I hadn't got further that the wondering stage.
As I was dragging my piled up trolley across the car park, back to the office, my boss, ( The DC to those who know, so you can picture the exchange) was just reversing his car out of a parking space, when he stopped, wound down his window and said,
' I don't know why I have just thought this, but could you use some plastic indoor hockey sticks, only our son has given us some in a net bag and everything'
Seriously, my jaw hit the floor.
I said 'I LOVE YOU and I LOVE GOD' and we both laughed really out loud!
Now I know that in the grand scheme of things, there are bigger and better miracles God could have chosen to perform at that time, and to be honest He was probably doing those at the same time, and it might well have been a coincidence but here He was, indulging my little 'I wonder' and giving me a much needed boost to my confidence and my pants week.
So I started that day with a rant and ended it praising God like mad and driving everyone in the offices nuts with having to listen to my testimony until I was sure they'd all heard it!
A little thing that made so much difference to me and a feeling that I want to hold on to for as long as I can.