Thursday, 17 January 2008

Where does the Time Go?

Nearly the end of another week and this is the first opportunity I've had to take stock - poor me! Where does the time go?

After spending all last week in the office, this week, my car has become an extension of myself as I have embarked on a three day road trip - going home eventually- inbetween each visit. I guess, looking back on the last three days, fitting in two visits each day wasn't the wisest thing to do, but it has been worthwhile and hopefully for the folks I have visited too.
However, driving leads to thinking and thinking leads to scarey places sometimes, and I have had a couple of questions lurking in my head and my heart too.

1) Why is night time radio SO pompous and/or boring or is it that I just haven't found the right station for me - suggestions please.....and
2)Does what I do for my employment have worth, make a difference, add value, light someone's blue touch paper, reach people....really?

In the grand scheme of things, where does my 'thing' appear on other folks radar, or am I just another 'box to tick'. person to keep happy, pat on the head, smile and wave at and go back to the REAL work when I'm gone.

I suppose after doing my job for 2 years and 7 months, it might have been good and quite strategic to have dealt with this question earlier on - again, where does the time go?

I am not writing this to get loads of affirmations and there are some people who I can see reading this saying - 'You think I was going to affirm you? Think again, you chose to do this remember!'

Anyway, that's what I've been thinking for some of the time this week, most of the rest of it, I've been thinking, 'AAAArrrrrgh!'


  1. So, you don't want affirming - well tough! Let's think about that word "affirming".

    Amongst other things, what you do affirms others! It is that encouragement that they so need and may not get anywhere else, without which they would be unfulfilled. And the knock on effect that gives to what they do is untold.

    So, if that were the ONLY good thing you did (and it's not) that in itself makes a difference and is of worth.

    Just a thought!!

  2. Hmmm, not having had a DCO visit at Romford, it's hard to say!!!!

    I'll let you know if the YPSM and her team go back to the real world when she's gone, when we've had a visit!

  3. Well that's about just the right mix of affirmation and tough love that keeps her girl well and truely grounded.

    Thank you guys !

    RE the DCO visit to Romford - you're right, Dawn. Although it's implicit in who I am and what I do, I think we should arrange for a more explicit objective evaluation.... and it would mean I wouldn't have to drive so far thus avoiding the need to listen to rubbish radioheads.

  4. Liz, I don't think God would have called you to do this unless it was worthwhile do you? I was having a conversation with someone today about the massive importance of youth workers, and that extends to Children's workers too. Not being one of the people you visit in that capacity I guess I can't know for sure, but my guess is that these people struggle week by week to know how to reach these kids, or get very excited about it, or a mix of the two, and that having someone to be able to talk to about that stuff who really understands is something they would look forward to and appreciate.

    I know when my boss takes time to sit with me and go through the work I have been doing, it makes me feel appreciated and useful. I guess they feel the same. You are a very important part in Children's ministry Liz.

  5. If you didn't do what you do, would it make a difference?

    Well, frankly, YES! Right a list of all the people you contact week by week, sending them stuff, advising, giving them confidence to take on resposibility etc. That's without the actual visits.

    Look at the people who help at KAO and learn from you first hand, for a whole weekend.

    Think about the meetings you leaqd because of your position, that you wouldn't be invited to do otherwise, and the messages you give through those meetings.

    Think about the influence you have at DHQ, because of who you are. People can relate to you, and you build relationships with them.

    Only God knows what happens to all the seed you sow.

    Chin up Liz Hall.

  6. What a fool I am.

    Before the previous comment is marked by teacherdom, I meant write, not right. :-)
