Thursday, 20 December 2007

What's It All About?

Elyses Question Of The Day - Why do people who say 'Oh God' and 'Jesus' for swear words sing about him at Christmas and believe in him? Is it just for the presents?

She told me that one little boy admits to miming the words because he doesn't believe and I admire his 'integrity' but am sad for him at the same time. Old head on young shoulders - his dad is 'away' etc. Or maybe he just doesn't know the words?

The thing is school choirs around the country are singing words like this:

Child in a manger born
I want to know you more.
Know you are near me,
Love you more dearly.
Jesus my Lord

And they call His name Jesus,

Jesus the Saviour

And they call His name Jesus

Saviour Of the World.

The tunes are catchy, and I think the words are profound, and I'm not surprised that some kids don't want to sing them, but I'll suggest that the kids will be singing these words or humming the tunes for ages, because rehearsals are like Boot Camps - You're NOT going to play until you've doen it properly etc. Its' really drummed into them, I've witnessed it myself and teachers get stressed and say things they don't mean etc.

I was talking to a friend who's church have a Crib service on Christmas Eve and she says the church is packed with families of the kids from the local school who never attend church at any other time - it's standing room only.

I guess we give our children permission to suspend realilty at Christmas Time and so I guess, for some kids, Jesus is just part of that package?

There was a small controversy over a song that our songsters sang this last week - Felice Navidad, as the words say,

'We want to wish you a Merry Christmas, with lots of presents to make you happy'
...and one very wise mate said,'If you think of it as presence, it's okay really.

I really pray that you all get loads of presence this Christmas, because that's what it's all about.


  1. But the people listening wont be hearing 'presence', they will be hearing 'presents'.

    Having said that, I often question whether people even really notice or think about the words of the songs at Christmas time anyway. I have been struck by similar thoughts Liz, but not just in children - in everyone. How many non-Christians sing heartily 'Joy to the world the Lord is come, let earth receive her King' but refuse to receive Him as thier King. I bet they don't even think about it - its just a song that we sing at Christmas - right?!

    Also, how many of us Christians sing songs without really thinking about their meaning - 'snow on snow!!!!!'

    Repect to Ann & Richard and all else who have chosen the carols we have sung this Christmas - so far I have had very little to complain about - we have sung some very theologically sound words!

  2. Without wishing to sound controversial - presence/presents - does it really matter??

    Surely the point is that on two occasions there was a theatre full of people, some of whom rarely, or never, attend church, and they would have been given a message to take away that didn't hinge on how one word of one song may or may not be interpreted.

    If you get so wrapped up (no pun intended) in the fine detail, is there not a danger you could miss the overall point??

    Like I say, not trying to be controversial, just raising an opinion.

    Happy Christmas

  3. Thanks you guys!

    The 'word' didn't bother me either way, I'm not in the Songsters, and like you say, people hear what they hear or not as the case may be...but I think those people who did have a problem singing about presents might have felt better if they thought they were somehow projecting the word 'presence', rather than being all annoyed at singing about something they feel to be shallow in that arena.

    And yeah, Graeme, you're right people got something of something last weekend,and could have ranged from a warm cosy glow to a deep profound experience, but every little helps.

    It's like the words the children have been singing - they might not mean anything to them, but they are now in their heads and ONE DAY in some Christmas presentation or other, they'll remember!God is the Best Recycler.

  4. ...and presents are great too - I want loads of them!!
