Monday, 8 October 2007

It's GONE!

The Main Event is over, but as always, as with any event, it has kick started a whole bunch of other things and so I guess that the results, good and maybe, for some, not so good, will live on through challenged and changed people.

I have been rummaging through my 'people who blog' list and have caught a glimpse of their Main Event experiences, so thanks for that.

My Main Event was with the LNE children and the Kids Klub Team from Blackheath Corps together with some willing and relentless 'volunteers' from the division and a super Sound Tech called Andy.

I found myself in the role of resourcer, photographer and adminstrator for the Kids Venue, which, even though I had planned it that way - why invite a team of 12 and still expect to be doing it all - was difficult to start with, as I'm normally the up front person, but, as with Sarah, God is changing ME too.

My Closer Moments?

Seeing children on a journey over the three sessions.

Seeing kids respond.

Witnessing kids get saved - a real answer to prayer in one case!

Praying with my daughter and God giving me the words to say - it was intense.

Sharing a prayer with a member of the team and for the first time, hearing speaking in tongues - it was so beautiful.

Seeing God honour the plans that I really believe he had for the event, even though there have been times of real frustration and heartsearching during the months of planning.

Seeing Matt Leeder still alive at the end of the weekend - a star!

My Far Away Moments?

Joe not wanting to come on Sunday.

Seeing some kids falling through a gap.

Now this minute, feeling very under attack and focussing on my far away moments.

Tribute, thanks and biggest love to Keith and my kids for releasing me to do....what I do !


  1. Sounds like you had a good time overall.

    It was a shame about Joe, and the other young people who were let down by the event programme. If he hadn't wanted to go after a full Saturday programme I would be more concerened.

    Take some time to wind down. That's an order! Not just from me.

  2. liz that was a great blog, thanks. im sure you were great, was thinking about u heaps
    sarah x

  3. Yeah, I agree with Keith. I think you should have some chill out time.

    Glad there were so many blessings.
    Think on them.


  4. Liz, I can't cope with seeing the title 'It's gone' anymore. Please do something to change it - anything! I would even be happy with some sort of you tube video, anything! PLEASE, its driving me crazy!!!!!
