Wednesday, 4 July 2007

You Saw Me Before I Was Born.

Well, I think it's time to share with all the world (!) the amazing and exciting news that my brother and his wife are expecting identical twins. We know what sex they are going to be too, but I'm not gonna blog that!
Tracy is now 24 weeks into this marathon and apart from one blip last week is doing really well. She has to rest now, which is by far and away the toughest part of being pregnant.
The pregnancy has been incredibly fragile and if the babies had not separated when they did, they could have been co-joined ( see diagram c above). They are highly dependant on one another even though they are two separate little things and only one ounce in weight difference - , in fact they only weigh about a pound each anyway - isn't technology amazing?

When our twins were born there was a pound between them, but they are boy and girl so fairly easy to tell apart although some people still got confused in the early days, ' How do you tell them apart when they are in the bath?' 'OOhh've got me there' and 'Which one is the girl?' 'The one in the dress!' - and no, it wasn't Keith!!

So my brother is trying to get his head round the fact that the Doctor has told him, ' Mr Fuller ( cos that's his name) these babies are so identical that you essentially have one baby.......only twice!' Apparently even their fingerprints could be the same.
Anyway they have had their photos taken quite a few times now and most everybody who's anybody will have seen them before they are born, but what's amazing is that only God will have a specific plan for each baby as an individual.

I am really excited and terrified at the same time! Please, if you do, pray for Jon, Tracy and Libbie and the two little shadows with a flashing sparks of life, that have so much potential.


Will keep you posted :)


  1. Ahh! Will put them on my prayer list. Wow, identical twins are cool!

  2. That is quite amazing. Identical to a fingerprint but unique and separate too.

    Isn't creation brilliant?!

  3. I am Speachless just now ! I knew all that, but reading it in black and white is amazing. What a privilege our Church will have to be part of these two unique people's lives.

    I agree - Creation IS brilliant !

  4. I am Speachless just now ! I knew all that, but reading it in black and white is amazing. What a privilege our Church will have to be part of these two unique people's lives.

    I agree - Creation IS brilliant !

  5. I am Speachless just now ! I knew all that, but reading it in black and white is amazing. What a privilege our Church will have to be part of these two unique people's lives.

    I agree - Creation IS brilliant !

  6. Ann just how speechless are you!!!

    The family are certainly in our prayers. Having brothers who are twins makes me understand somewhat how important it is for them to be individuals as well as incredibly close to each other.
