Thursday, 19 April 2007

Rites of Passage.

Well Joe turned 13 this week and we took him out for a curry - he asked, we didn't force him. It was great. The food was yummy and the company was superb. Thanks Joe!

Elyse went on the back of the motor bike this evening for the first time ( Honda 600 for those of you who know about this stuff) She LOVED it.Keith does the driving, not me....oh no! I haven't even been pillion yet

Thomas introduced me to this website, well this particular game really and for my bloggin' friends who really enjoy procrastinating...welcome to Paradise :)

Have fun!


  1. What IS this site?! - my school 'filter' won't allow me to access it!

    Or maybe it's Big Brother trying to prevent me procrastinating

  2. It's OK as far as I can see, and I've just scanned the names of the games. There are a couple that look as if they may be innuendo,and some that might be war type games but T knows to ask before he opens any new game so that we can check it first. As with Elyse asking 'questions' see Glyn's blog, at the mo, I can say to Thomas something like, 'This is not suitable/appropriate for you to play', and he's cool with that . He finds loads of stuff on the net and we have a family filter on our pc.

    I think BB is watching you :)

  3. Don't ever let Keith hear you call his bike a Honda 450. It's a 600 and proud of it. You don't think all that money he spent was just for an extra 50cc's do you?

    These things matter you know!

    One biker standing up for another :-)

  4. Oh, thanks Rich, have changed the post!

    So that's even cooler then - do people need to know that it's black, do you think?

  5. Ha! That's the only bit that would make sense to me!!!
