Monday, 2 April 2007

Bloggin' Targets

Honestly,blogging is supposed to be an enjoyable leisure type past time, but now I'm on a target of more than once a week!!

That's all folks!


  1. But do blogs like this count?

  2. Hmm good question. I think they do. They still give you something to read.


  3. I was being ironic when I wrote that blog. I don't think blogs like this do count!

    I like Glyn's take on this issue, which asks me to consider the question - Why do I Blog?

    Is it because I want to keep my Blog Buddies happy and occupied?

    Is it because I like the reassurance that someone reads my stuff and then kindly comments, making me feel as if they really like me?

    Is it a leisure type pastime that clears my head of the madness that inhabits it?

    Hmmm ponder, ponder, ponder!
