Friday, 9 March 2007


A follower of Christ looks at:
  • death and thinks life,
  • losing and thinks winning,
  • tragedy and thinks opportunity,
  • brokenness and thinks humility,
  • accidents and thinks purpose,
  • coincidence and thinks destiny,
  • despair and thinks hope,
  • poverty and thinks wealth,
  • wealth and thinks poverty,
  • failure and thinks success,
  • the seen and thinks about the unseen,
  • history and thinks God's story,
  • science and thinks God's laws,
  • psychology and thinks Christ's wisdom,
  • anthropology and thinks God's image,
  • astronomy and thinks God's heavens,
  • the human body and thinks God's dwelling place,
  • war and thinks man's rebellion,
  • the cross and thinks everything made new,
  • truth and thinks Jesus.

Pulled this off the Purpose Driven Daily Devotional discussing the quote “Discovery consists of looking at the same thing as everyone else and thinking something different.” — Roger von Oech - and replacing the word discovery with the word worship.


I Wonder what YOU think?


  1. Do you think its a choice to think those things, or is it a natural consequence of faith? (i.e. do we have to work at it or will it just happen?)

  2. Well, I think we have to work at it. I see wealth and think - I wish I was wealthy - so that's a problem for me!


    1)Could this list be used, alongside other tools as a way to measure our spiritual maturity maybe?

    2)Can I only see things through God's eyes if I am REALLY at one with him, or can I catch glimpses because I'm on a journey and only GOd really knows the kind of encouragement I need, or will reveal things to motivate or challenge me in certain areas?

    Actually, maybe it's a bit of both. Following on from our discussion last night from 2 Corinthians 4 and the spiritual blindness,in 1 Corinthians 2 vs 13-16, Paul talks about the paradox of not being able to receive and understand truths from God unless we are first spiritual but ends by saying 'who can know the Lord's thoughts?'.

    Keep on keeping on!!

  3. ooh! Did even Paul get frustrated?!?!

    Good find Liz, will ponder on that tonight.

