Wednesday, 3 January 2007

Ho Hum!

Well, the decorations are stowed away again, the cards are in a bag to be recycled, after digging out the ones of the people that I really want to get in touch with this year. I guess they will take up space on the worktop for a few weeks before they too, get recycled.

The kids are back at school,Keith is back at work and I have one more day before stepping back into the 'real' world myself, the house is odly quiet and about 5 people have their birthday this week!

That's not fair is it?

For those people, it's SO close to Christmas and for us people it's another trip to the dreaded shops, unless you are an oganised person who got it all sorted before Christmas.....oh that's certainly not me by the way.

Over 'brunch' on NYD we had a little family conflab. about resolutions and the favourites appear to be:
1) Eat more fruit
2)Go to bed earlier
3)Save more money
4)Be more tolerant
5) Try not to be so annoying - that's ME!

I'd like to add some positive action things to the list though rather than just a bunch of' be more' or 'be less' stuff.

Do something wonderful with the front garden
Finish the bathroom
......................oh whatever.

Life goes on, and I guess we'll muddle through and soon the idylic feeling of being in control will be a dim and distant memory, but I certainly want to have more fun this year on a day to day basis.

Selfish blog today - sorry.

Just off to the Christian Bookshop to check out some book prize ideas for the kids at FOJ Club, and that should be fun - no really it should!

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