Friday, 12 January 2007

Everything, Anything or Nothing? That is the question!

My previous post has made me think, 'Do I actually, at the end of the day, do ANYTHING of any lasting value, properly, or is life so mental that everything is a mad knee jerk reaction?'

My job has taught/is teaching me to be organised beyond belief, I think Christmas this year was the most organised we have ever had, my diary is planned up to October, which is far enough, to be honest and quite frightened me when I returned to work, so much so that for a few minutes, I felt paralysed and did NOTHING, and the real world, where I guess it really matters I can't seem to crack it at all.

If I could just get the socks paired up and put away, if I could remember to put a snack in my kids book bag in the mornings, IF...

I guess you are what you are and even if I accomplished all these things and became like a highly organised friend of mine, I think it would just scare everyone, me included, and it would mean that my children wouldn't feel that they could remind me about EVERYTHING all the time, so I can't deprive them of that can I?

Which reminds me, Elyse has a handy hint in case you happen to be standing on a volcano when it erupts - you don't need to run, as lava goes very slowly, but you might need to find somewhere to hide from the toxic cloud -so there you go!

By the way, I've changed the way I blog over the last couple of postings - blog first, title at the end, just so you know.

1 comment:

  1. I think maybe it depends on how hectic your life is anyway. I tend to fill my time with stuff, and am in general quite a busy person, but I wouldn't say my life was hectic. I don't have the sort of job whereby I am highly pressured by deadlines and events all the time in the way you are and I only have to organise myself, not a whole family of people.

    So I think what I am saying is that whilst some people are 'more organised' than others, maybe it is also dependent on your circumstances too.
