Sunday, 17 December 2006

Hogswatch III

Um...disappointed really.

Thing is Terry Pratchett's humour is very verbal - his descriptions are clever, genius even, and it all got lost if I'm honest. I had to keep explaining things to Keith and Joe, which was frustrating for all of us. Still there is always tomorrows episode, which from the LONG trailer, looks like it may contain all the action.

However, Torchwood was VERY good this evening.Even Keith stayed awake and he's ill.

So, all the carol services are done,* just a few bits and bobs of carolling to mop up, and this time next week, the Youth Fellowship will be singing carols outside our house to herald in Christmas Eve - brilliant!
* By the way, the kids at our Corps were amazing in the meeting this morning: fun, games, a few carols, cutting egde Primary item accompanied by the Worship Band - how cool is THAT?, the obligatory sketch by the Junior Bible class - highlight of the morning, the narrator saying,'Thus spake the Seraph and forthwith appeared a shining THONG, and raised £41 selling cakes afterwards for International Development, along with a few eyebrows.
Oh yeah, and The Way It's Gonna Be as a grand finale!

JOY to the World - it's out there somewhere!!

1 comment:

  1. just wanted to say i think the meeting yesterday morning went really well, and all the kids did a fantastic job, i didnt hear any negativity which is also very good!

    ps - can u blog on my blog now or does it still not let u?

    sarah x
