Thursday, 30 November 2006 get a real job!

Well, someone is trying to tell me something, because yesterday two of my friends, completely independently of one another suggested that I should get a proper job!

( Can I just say to my amazing friends that this blog is NOT a pop at you, it's an exploration of my thoughts surrounding your suggestion, and I'm also convincing myself that what I do is 'proper' and does have some kind of impact somewhere, even if it does feel like it might be in a parallel universe sometimes)

I really wanted to refer them to the my profile here - an eclectic role is what I have.
(I am SO excited to have a BLOG!)

Ok, I'm not behind my desk THAT much, maybe I should be there more, but everybody who needs to, knows where I am. I pick up my emails at home, get phone calls at tea time, drive around Essex, Herts, Beds and East London at various times of the day and night ( not just for the fun of it, there IS a purpose) and work into the small hours sometimes - much to the annoyance of Keith, who was once described as my ' long suffering husband'!...and I have given up quite a lot of stuff at Church ( the singing stuff mostly,which I honestly miss) in my attempt to 'get a balance' between my pretend job and my real life, which is another thing that friends and family keep suggesting I should do too.

Yes, ok, there ARE days when it SEEMS like I am having a great time - it's not all work, work, work in the paper pushing,admin based, sense of the word. Nor is it all up front teaching.

Soemtimes it's just cheering people on from the sidelines, sometimes it's meeting up for a coffee, or going out to lunch and yes, sometimes I feel that I'm employed, JUST to be ME - but how cool is THAT?

I guess what I have, is more like a bunch of opportunities than a job.

There may be more to follow - there may not, but either way, I appreciate that I am employed in a role that MIGHT make some people think that I'm enjoying myself far too much, but it sounds like the perfect job to me!


  1. Its strange that culture can force you to feel like you need to justify enjoying your job. As if its something you are not supposed to do. Surely enjoying your job is the ideal?

    Maybe there are just so many people out there that don't enjoy it, or don't feel like they are contributing to anyone by doing it, or have just got so busy and tired out, that 'society' tells us that these are the necessary conditions of a 'proper job'. Simply because its the norm.

    For what its worth, I think you are brilliant at what you do, and if you enjoy doing it then that is superb. Its a win-win.

  2. I don't think I was trying to justify what I do really and I think you've hit the nail on the head Kirsty, when it comes to the enjoyment factor - a discussion I have had with many people.
    I guess with EVERYBODY there are good days and bad days, some days I don't enjoy it at all ( a norm in itself?) and a job/calling/vocation is really just a part of the bigger picture - LIFE.

    Dawn - yep I've seen your blog - you haven't really got the sack have you? The display looks great and thank you again for the flowers. I am looking at them right now :)
