Saturday, 25 November 2006

The Meaning of Life?

Well, I have been pondering this question and have come up with a couple of ideas for the melting pot.

The first idea began brewing while I was watching the kids playing in the park - my kids that is - on Friday afternoon.

Thomas and Elyse are so different, bringing to life the saying about chalk and cheese, but I THINK Elyse IS the answer to her own question of the meaning of life.

She revels in just being alive, is constantly astonished and surprised by everything, even if she's seen it before. She never takes anything for granted, she shouts when she should talk, laughs when she should cry and then cries laughing, but every now and then, just for an almost imperceptable amount of time, she just stops,I guess, in reality to take a breather, but I wonder if she's trying to let her brain catch up with all the stuff she's just experienced?

The second thought is in response to Philip Yancy's chapter about GK Chesterton, in his book Soul Survivor. GKC was someone who experienced life in an impulsive, kind of
manic depressive way and who really didn't want to believe in God, but found more evidence to suggest that God existed than not. One of the word pictures he paints is of a cosmic shipwreck - we are like sailors who have survived the wreck, walking along the beach picking up the pieces to try and give us a clue as to what has happened.

SO, could the meaning of life be searching for all the clues that God has left for us, that point to his existence and the promise of Heaven; music, love,nature, hope, peace.Yancy calls them 'bright clues into the nature of a reality surrounded by darkness'

What we live with, in this fallen world, are the remnants of God's original design. Is life about trying to make sense of that - is THAT the Meaning of Life?


  1. I agree that Elyse (and the 'snow')
    epitimises the 'meaning of life'.

    Just experience life.

    I think that's the point.

  2. Hey hey. Just found your blog so I thought I'd say hi.

    Have you tried watching Monty Python's "Meaning of Life"? I thought it would help but I didn't really learn much other than a few rude songs.
